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Dream Places For Vacation

Discover Best Places To Enjoy Birding in Peru

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Popular Destinations

Top Destinations!

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Pacific & North Peru

The north of Peru offers you the opportunity to admire special endemics such as the Marvelous Spatuletail, Scarlet-banded barbet, and much more.


Manu Road

The road to Manu offers you admirable species and wildlife there more than 1000 bird species to photograph, in this route.



It is a popular destination for lovers of bird watching and wildlife in general. In addition to bird watching, you can also enjoy the lush Amazon rainforest and its diversity of flora and fauna.


Machu Picchu & Cusco

Immerse yourself in the magestic Machu Picchu citadel, there are good opportunities to capture the elusive Inca Wren and many more Cusco birds.

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bird watching in Peru?
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Experience the most authentic birding adventures in order to find the most rare and spectacular birds that are only found in Peru. Peru is a country that host the incredible number of 1896 bird species (Sernanp 2023). Discover this fantastic destination whether you are a solo birder or with friends and family, you will never regret coming birdwatching in Peru.

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Visit Peru to discover the birds of this beautiful country.

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Best Destinations

Explore Peru's Beautiful Landscapes and Find Good Birds Easily!

Travel to the best destinations for birding in Peru, our local guides and expert tour leaders will take to the best locations to capture through your lens the birdlife of each region of Peru. Our guides frequently go birding around the famous spots and sometimes they found new routes with excellent possibilities of seeing the most outstanding or endemic birds of Peru up close. The excellence with which they have conducted each tour was highly valued by each traveler they have accompanied, which is why we guarantee you a quality tour with the best Peruvian guides. Complemented with the best comfortable services that we offer, you will enjoy your bird watching trip through Peru from beginning to end.

Let’s enjoy traveling through the most important regions of Peru, full of wonderful and rare birds that you can only see in Peru, on a safe birding trip with all the comfort you need.

Travel Guide

Big World Explorer

We Take Care Of Your Trip

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Central Peru

Birding Tour

18 Days

Central Peru Specialties

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Northern Peru

Special Endemics Bird Photography Tour

21 Days

Marvelous Tour

Embark on an adventure through the different places that the northern route offers us, we will go in search of the endemic and more excellent birds of this area of ​​Peru.

  • Service 1: Guiding

    Our guides who always accompany you are experienced local guides and knowledgeable about the birds of Peru, they are respectful and dedicated profesionales, experts in our birding routes. They are poised to assist you during your photography session, enhancing your birding experience alongside our knowledgeable guides.

  • Service 2: Lodging

    We reserve accommodation for you in the best and well-located hostels in the destinations we visit so that we can see the greatest number of birds on a route with the comfort and amenities you need.

  • Service 3: Transportation

    Our company provides you the right vehicles and the most experienced drivers who are familiar with the routes we bird at each stop are at our disposal to support your photography session so you can enjoy birding together with our birding guides.

  • Service 4: Hotel Services

    We reserve the best hotels so that you can just arrive and enjoy your room after a great day of bird watching.

Enjoy our birding and wildlife Tours!

Our travelers has share their experiences with us. Discover the best birding destinations that we visiti in our birding tours. Live a unique adventure with Birding Expeditions Peru.

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insensible he do appearance. Projection invitation affronting admiration if no on or. 

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  • Boat
  • Camping
  • Helicopter
  • Hiking
  • Parachute

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Discover with us the most amazing birdlife of Peru, travel from coast to amazon in search of the birds of Peru. Subscribe now to receive offers and news about our upcomming Peru birding tours 2024.

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Birding Expeditions Peru is the perfect choice for nature and ornothology lovers looking for an unforguettable experience in Peru. 


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In case you require more information, don't hesitate to write us we are 24/7 at your service.


+51 (920) 701-371

Monday to Sunday 8am — 8:30pm

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© 2024 Birding, Photography and Wildlife Tours in Peru Birding Expeditions Peru