Abra Malaga Birding Cusco
Birding Abra Malaga Cusco
- 1 Day
- Available all year
- Max People : 8
- Min Age : 12+
- Wifi Available
- Pickup: Airport
Cusco Birding Abra Malaga
Nestled in the high Andes between Cusco and Machu Picchu, Abra Málaga is a premier destination for birdwatching enthusiasts. The area’s puna scrub and Polylepis forests provide excellent habitats for a variety of avian specialties. Additionally, the higher reaches of the stunted cloud forest, which can be found at slightly lower elevations near Carrizales, also attract a diverse range of bird species.
Birders visiting this stunning region can look forward to encountering unique high-altitude birds and experiencing the breathtaking landscapes that make this area truly special.
Birding Abra Malaga Cusco
Departure & Return Location
Cusco city
Departure Time
5:30 am
Return Time
5:00 pm
Abra Malaga Birding Cusco
Price Includes
- Bilingual Specialist Bird Guide
- Snack, hot chocolate, coffee & tea infusions
- Box lunch & mineral water
- Entrance Fees
- Private transportation & driver
Price Excludes
- Domestic flights
- Any Private Expenses
- Alcoholic Drinks, Tips
You Should Bring
- Suitable clothes for cold weather
- Sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat
- Long sleeve shirts, confortable pants
- Hiking shoes and a small backpack
- Camera and lenses of 500mm or more
Day 1: Departure from Cusco
We’ll pick you up from your hotel early in the morning and head to the Abra Málaga Pass (Polylepis forest), at 4,200 meters above sea level. There, we’ll begin exploring the area in search of a wide variety of birds. Notable sightings include the endemicRoyal Cinclodes, White-browed Tit-Spinetail and Ash-breasted tit-tyrant.
Birdwatchers can expect to encounter unique high-altitude species such as the magnificent Giant Hummingbird, the striking Giant Conebill, Puna Tapaculo, Stripe-headed Antpitta, Diademed Tapaculo, Unstreaked Tit-Tyrant, Golden-collared Tanager, Violet-throated Starfrontlet, Parodi´s Hemispingus, Marcapata Spinetail, Tawny Tit-Spinetail, Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch, Plumbeous Sierra-Finch, Stripe-headed Antpitta, Tawny Tit-Spinetail, White-winged Cinclodes, Olivaceous Thornbill, Andean Lapwing, Puna Ground-Tyrant, Unstreaked Tit-tyrant, Cusco Brush-finch, Black-capped Hemispingus, Rufous Antpitta, Trilling Tapaculo, Inca Wren, White-banded Tyrannulet, Streaked Tuftedcheek, White-rumped Hawk, Plushcap, Red-crested Finch, Sclaters Tyrannulet, Plumbeous-back Tyrant, Swallow-tailed Hummingbird, Yellow-bellied Seedeater, Common Tody-Flycatcher and many more.
In the lower part of this valley, we are likely to encounter the Andean Parakeet the Tit-like Dacnis, Ocellated Piculet and the Pearled Treerunner. Further along the main road, the scrub along the roadside frequently reveals birds such as the Junin Canastero, Creamy-crested Spinetail, Chestnut-breasted Mountain-Finch, and Golden-billed Saltator.
After our amazing full day, our driver will take us back to Cusco or Ollantaytambo according to your itinerary and drop you off at your hotel, rounding off our adventure.